zoe@mediationanswers.com.au or (02) 8379 1853
APAC Legal Awards 2019 & 2020
Winner of Best Family Law Mediator, Australia - Zoë Durand
Winner of Best Family Law Publication for Inside Family Law
Zoë Durand has practised as a lawyer for 17 years at leading national and international commercial law firms, in family law private practice and as a Court Appointed Independent Children's Lawyer
Lvl 21/ 133 Castlereagh Street,
Sydney 2000
Phone: (02) 8379-1853
If you have an enquiry about potentially booking Zoë for a mediation please use the below form and subject 'mediation'.
If your enquiry is in relation to her book Inside Family Law please include the subject 'IFL' (and if it is a media enquiry please write 'IFL media').
Lastly Zoë can help if you are looking for a referral to a family lawyer or other family law professionals (please use the subject 'referral.')

Don't be shy! We would love to hear from you.