SOS Lawyer Magic taught by marketing guru Megan Greig and principal of Mediation Answers Zoe Durand face to face with your team at your offices from 10am to 4.30pm.
Available now.
The cost of this course will rise as of 31 January so book now to secure a reduced price. Prior to making payment here, please contact us to confirm the date your course will occur. The date of the course can occur after 31 January 2020, but provided payment is received prior to that time you will secure this reduced introductory price.
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APAC Legal Awards 2019 & 2020
Winner of Best Family Law Mediator, Australia - Zoë Durand
Winner of Best Family Law Publication for Inside Family Law
Zoë Durand has practised as a lawyer for 16 years at leading national and international commercial law firms, in family law private practice and as a Court Appointed Independent Children's Lawyer
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